Saturday, December 21, 2013

2014 Officers Installed

On December 21, 2013 the newly elected/appointed officers of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 were installed during an open installation.  Many family members and brethren were in attendance, travelling as far as Memphis, TN,  and enjoyed a terrific meal, fellowship, and ceremony.

Past Grand Master Tom Boduch conducted the installation of the officers during the event.  The new officers are to be congratulated on their election/appointments and all of the brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 look forward to a prosperous year both within and outside the lodge.

Front Row L-R; Jerry Thomas Asberry-Junior Deacon, William Lee Morrow-Senior Deacon, David Isaac Oppenheim P.M.-Chaplain, Dale Hicks-Senior Warden, Jerry Dale Asberry-Worshipful Master, Thomas Boduch-Past Grand Master, Keith Byrd Jr-Junior Warden, G. Daniel Mata-Secretary, P.M. 

Back Row L-R; Jimmie Franklin P.M.-Marshal, Anthony Hinds-Tiler, Charles William Jones-Treasuer, P.M., Ruben Gerald Hilligoss– Junior Steward, Johnny Wayne South Jr-Senior Steward.

Brother Dale Hicks-Senior Warden (L) and Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry (R)

Brother Will Morrow-Senior Deacon(L), Past Master David Oppenheim (C), 
and Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry (R)

 Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry (L) and Brother Keith Byrd-Junior Warden (R)

Enjoying a great meal

Past Grand Master Tom Boduch (L) and Past Master David Oppenheim (R)

Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry (L) and Past Grand Master Tom Boduch (R)

3 Generations of Asberry's.
Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry (L), Jonathan Asberry (son of Jerry Dale), and Brother Jerry T. Asberry-Junior Deacon (R)

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Past Master Recognized

On December 21, 2013 the officers and brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 presented the outgoing Worshipful Master, David I. Oppenheim, with his Past Masters Apron.

Jerry Dale Asberry, Worshipful Master, presented Brother David with the apron and thanked David for his untiring efforts in the lodge, leadership, and guidance throughout 2013.

Past Master David I. Oppenheim (L) and Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry (R)

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Most Worshipful Grand Master of F.&.A.M. of Tennessee Visits

Most Worshipful Grand Master (MWGM) of Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee Roy C. Etherton, along with many other Grand Lodge Officers, assisted in conferring a Master Mason Degree at Jamestown Lodge No. 281 on December 17, 2013.

Brother Robert E. Rains was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason during a solemn degree conferral.  Many Grand Lodge Officers and visitors from many lodges assisted in the conferral which was deemed as one of the best ever.

The Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 wish to send a sincere THANK YOU to the Most Worshipful Grand Master, Grand Officers, and visitors for all of the hard work completed during the conferral.

Brother Rains is to be commended and congratulated for the hard work and dedication he gave to reach this milestone.

Brother Rains and MWGM Roy Etherton (Both Center) and members of the degree team.

Shown below is the MWGM presenting Brother Rains with a Grand Master's Pin and Knife.

MWGM Etheron (R) and Brother Rains (R)

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25 Year Member Recognized

On December 17, 2013 Most Worshipful Grand Master (MWGM) Roy C. Etherton, MWGM of Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee, presented Brother Charlie Jones with his 25 year pin and certificate.  Brother Jones has been a faithful Brother of the fraternity for over a quarter of a century and Jamestown Lodge No. 281 is lucky and honored to have him as a member and Brother.

The members of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 CONGRATULATE Brother Jones on this milestone.

Brother Charlie Jones(L) and MWGM Roy C. Etheron (R)

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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Lodge Brothers Inducted Into Military Orders

Two Brothers of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 who are currently serving in the U.S. Military were recently inducted into military orders during the annual 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment Holiday Ball in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

Brother/Sergeant First Class Keith Byrd was inducted as a member of the Order of St. Maurice ( and Brother/Master Sergeant Jerry Dale Asberry was inducted as a member of the Order of St. George (

Both Brothers are to be congratulated on their achievements and the Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 extends CONGRATULATIONS to each of them.

Brother Keith Byrd (L) and Brother Jerry Dale Asberry(R) 
Shown with their respective medals.

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Worshipful Master Presented with Past Master License Plate

Brother David I. Oppenheim, Worshipful Master of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 was presented with a lodge Past Master License Plate from Past Master Paul Morgerson during the December 2013 stated meeting.

Brother Paul had a special saying engraved on the back of the license plate to remind Brother David of his term in office. I recommend that you ask Brother Oppenheim about what it says and its meaning.

Worshipful Master David Oppenheim (L) and Brother Paul Morgerson P.M. (R)

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Fentress County Travelling Gavel Travels Again

During the December 2013 stated meeting the Fentress County Travelling Gavel, which has resided at Jamestown Lodge No. 281 for several months, was retrieved by members of Little Crab Lodge No. 614.  The Fentress County Travelling Gavel was donated by Brother Mark Walker Past Master of Clarkrange Lodge No. 605 to promote Masonic fellowship, brotherhood, and Masonic values. Worshipful Master Keith Harrison, of Little Crab Lodge No. 614, took possession of the gavel.

Only lodges located in Fentress County are authorized to retrieve the gavel from another lodge which has the gavel in possession.  In order for another lodge to retrieve the gavel, for their lodge, the following requirements must be met;

1) If conferring an Entered Apprentice (EA) Degree, a minimum of Seven(7) EA's from another lodge must be present from opening to closing.

2) If conferring a Fellowcraft (FC) Degree, a minimum of Five(5) FC's from another lodge must be present from opening to closing.

3) If conferring a Master Mason (MM) Degree, a minimum of three(3) MM's from another lodge must be present from opening to closing.

4) If attending a stated meeting, a minimum of three(3) MM's from another lodge must be present from opening to closing.

In the event of a tie, between two lodges, count the total number of years as a Mason.  Highest number gets the gavel.

Worshipful Master David Oppenheim (L) and Worshipful Master Keith Harrison(R)

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Mason of the Year Announced

During the December 2013 stated meeting, Worshipful Master David Oppenheim informed the craft that he had observed many great deeds done by many of the lodge members throughout his term of office.  While many Brethren personified the true values of a Mason, one Brother showed exceptional leadership and lived the Masonic values and was deemed to be a worthy of having been chosen as MASON of the YEAR.

Brother William L. Morrow, Junior Deacon, of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 was presented with the Mason of the Year plaque for 2013.  The craft congratulated Brother Morrow on his accomplishments.

Worshipful Master David Oppenheim (L) and Brother William Morrow (R)

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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Master Mason Degrees Conferred by Upper Cumberland Scottish Rite Degree Team

At a called meeting on August 16, 2013 at Green Pond Lodge No. 703 the Upper Cumberland Scottish Rite Degree Team conferred two Master Mason Degrees. The night was filled with friendship and brotherly love as the two Brothers, Jacob Byrd and James Tommy Harris, were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.

Brothers James Tommy Harris and Jacob Byrd (front and center)
and members of the Upper Cumberland Scottish Rite Degree Team

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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Lodge "Quarry Work" Happening

From Worshipful Master David I. Oppenheim;

Gentlemen. On Saturday, September 7, 2013 I will need every available able bodied Mason or non mason to please be at the Lodge at 8:00 AM ready to work. Wear your sweating clothes and bring a shovel. Our lodge property is in dire repair by way of a drainage ditch. Water is seeping into our tenant’s offices and we cannot continue to let this happen. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show up to help.

Our Secretary, Daniel Mata, has secured someone with a backhoe to dig the trench, therefore you will not be required to dig that much mostly setting down the corrugated pipe and cover it with rock.

We will need your help. We can get this done in a few hours and have fun doing it.  The lodge will provide lunch for FREE.

BROTHERS I EXPECT EVERYONE TO PITCH IN. Bring a friend, even if he’s not a Mason, who knows he can become one.

Yours fraternally,

David Oppenheim 
Worshipful Master
Jamestown Lodge No. 281

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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Certificate of Third Degree Proficiency Awarded

During the July 2013 stated meeting Brother Tommy Dale Delk Jr was examined and found proficient on the Third Degree lecture.  Brother Delk was instructed by Brother G. Daniel Mata P.M., Brother Delk is to be commended for the hard work and dedication that he gave in order to obtain the certificate.  All of the Brothers of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 congratulate Brother Delk on this accomplishment.

Brother Tommy Delk Jr (L) being presented with the Certificate of Proficiency
of the 3rd Degree Lecture by
 Worshipful Master David Oppenheim (R)

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Upper Cumberland Scottish Rite Degree Team Confers Master Mason Degree

On June 14, 2013 the Upper Cumberland Scottish Rite Degree Team (UCSRDT) conferred a Master Mason degree at West Fork Lodge No. 648.  It was the first degree conferred by UCSRDT after being formed by several Brethren from the Upper Cumberland area and sanctioned by the Valley of Nashville.  The services of degree team can be requested through the Valley of Nashville Scottish Rite office.  Many Brethren were in attendance to witness this solemn occasion.  Congratulations go out to Brother Steve A. Wright, the Brother who was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason!

Members of the Upper Cumberland Scottish Rite Degree Team and 
Brother Steve Wright.

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Plaque of Appreciation Presented to Lodge

During the monthly stated meeting on June 8, 2013 Brother Ruben Hilligoss, coach, presented a plaque of appreciation to Jamestown Lodge No. 281 on behalf of his Little League baseball team.  Brother Hilligoss thanked the lodge and the Brethren for their outpouring of support to this group of fine young individuals.

Worshipful Master David Oppenheim(L), Brother Ruben Hilligoss(R)

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fentress County Traveling Gavel

The Fentress County Traveling Gavel is currently located at Jamestown Lodge No. 281.  The gavel was donated by Brother Mark Walker P.M. of Clarkrange Lodge No. 605 to promote Freemasonry and to encourage county Brethren to travel to and support other county lodges.

Other county lodges can come and get the gavel and take to their lodge, here are the rules; If the owning lodge is conferring an EA Degree, the lodge wanting to take the gavel must have seven(7) members present from opening to closing; if a FellowCraft degree is being conferred, there must be five(5) visiting brethren present from opening to closing; and if a Master Mason degree is being conferred, three(3) visiting brethren must be present from opening to closing.

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Guest Presented with Grand Master's Bicentennial Coin

Brother Vernon Ellis, P.M., 33rd Degree A.A.S.R., of Florida, visited Jamestown Lodge No. 281 during an Entered Apprentice degree conferral on June 4, 2013. Brother Ellis visits Jamestown Lodge every year and this year was presented with a Grand Master's Bicentennial Coin by Brother Keith Taylor, current Worshipful Master of Cookeville Lodge No. 266 and current Worshipful Grand Sword Bearer.

Brother Keith Taylor (L) and Brother Vernon Ellis (R)

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

Stated Meeting, May 11, 2013

During the monthly stated meeting on May 11, 2013 Jamestown Lodge No. 281 had the pleasure and honor of hosting several distinguished guests. Past Grand Master Tom Hager, several of District 13's Deputy District Chairmen were among those in attendance.  The meeting was very informative and all enjoyed good fellowship and harmony.

Several of the Brothers in attendance.

Past Grand Master Tom Hager

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New Members

The Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 are pleased to announce that  two new Brothers were initiated into the fraternity.  Brother Wes Bilbrey and Chris Crabtree were inducted as new members on April 16, 2013 during a solemn ceremony.  Many visiting Brethren were in attendance and Jamestown Lodge would like to send a Thank You to them.

                         L-R; Brother Chris Crabtree, Worshipful Master David Oppenheim,
                      Brother Wes Bilbrey

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New Master Mason Is Raised

The Worshipful Master and Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 came together on March 4, 2013 to raise to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason Brother Tommy Dale Delk Jr.  Many were in attendance to witness this solemn occasion and to congratulate Brother Delk on his accomplishment of receiving this Sublime Degree.

 L-R; Brother Tommy Delk and Worshipful Master David Oppenheim

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Brothers Participate in Civil War Fellow Craft Degree

Several Brothers of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 recently visited West Fork Lodge No. 648 where they participated as active members of the degree team, during a Fellow Craft Degree, which was conferred in Civil War attire.  The Civil War degree is conferred upon Brothers who are members of the military and avid history lovers.  For those who have witnessed this conferral before it is something to behold and for those who have not, we encourage you to go and witness it if and when you ever get the chance, you will not be sorry.

Shown above is the Civil War Degree Team and the Candidate (who is front and center).

Monday, January 14, 2013

In Memoriam

Brother David Oppenheim, Worshipful Master of Jamestown Lodge No. 281, F. & A. M., deeply regrets to inform the brethren that Brother Randy Lee Hollifield passed away Monday morning, January 14, 2013, and went to join his Almighty Father in the Grand Celestial Lodge above.

Brother Hollifield, affiliated with the Order for the past 20 years, was a Past Master of Jamestown Lodge and a revered member of the Fraternity.

Randy Lee Hollifield, P.M.