Sunday, August 18, 2013

Master Mason Degrees Conferred by Upper Cumberland Scottish Rite Degree Team

At a called meeting on August 16, 2013 at Green Pond Lodge No. 703 the Upper Cumberland Scottish Rite Degree Team conferred two Master Mason Degrees. The night was filled with friendship and brotherly love as the two Brothers, Jacob Byrd and James Tommy Harris, were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason.

Brothers James Tommy Harris and Jacob Byrd (front and center)
and members of the Upper Cumberland Scottish Rite Degree Team

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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Lodge "Quarry Work" Happening

From Worshipful Master David I. Oppenheim;

Gentlemen. On Saturday, September 7, 2013 I will need every available able bodied Mason or non mason to please be at the Lodge at 8:00 AM ready to work. Wear your sweating clothes and bring a shovel. Our lodge property is in dire repair by way of a drainage ditch. Water is seeping into our tenant’s offices and we cannot continue to let this happen. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show up to help.

Our Secretary, Daniel Mata, has secured someone with a backhoe to dig the trench, therefore you will not be required to dig that much mostly setting down the corrugated pipe and cover it with rock.

We will need your help. We can get this done in a few hours and have fun doing it.  The lodge will provide lunch for FREE.

BROTHERS I EXPECT EVERYONE TO PITCH IN. Bring a friend, even if he’s not a Mason, who knows he can become one.

Yours fraternally,

David Oppenheim 
Worshipful Master
Jamestown Lodge No. 281

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