Saturday, November 22, 2014

Past Master's Day Celebrated

On November 22, 2014 the Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 had a Past Master's breakfast for Past Master's.  The event was well attended and great fellowship and music was had by everyone.  Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry hopes that this event will become an annual event to allow all Master Masons and their families to pay honor to all Past Masters (not only of Jamestown Lodge).

Some of the attendees

Past Masters

Past Masters

Brother Hicks telling us about it

Brother Mata (the Chef) and Brother Mifflin thinking about it

Brother Charlie Jones testing it out


Picking and a'grinnin

Picking and a'grinnin
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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Lodge History Made

On November 7th 2014 history was made as members of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 solely conferred the 6th Degree during the Fall reunion of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Nashville.

This is the first time in lodge history that this has ever taken place.  Those who participated in and conferred the degree were Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry, G. Daniel Mata P.M., and Ruben G. Hilligoss.

The Brethren of Jamestown Lodge congratulate these Brethren on making lodge history. 

If anyone is interested in joining the Scottish Rite, get with the Worshipful Master or Secretary of Jamestown Lodge.

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Monday, October 13, 2014

New Deputy District Chairman Announced

Brother G. Daniel Mata, P.M. and District 13 Chairman announced during the October 2014 Stated Meeting that Brother Jerry Dale Asberry, P.M. was appointed as the newest Deputy District Chairman for District 13.  Brother Mata commended Brother Asberry for his untiring efforts to Jamestown Lodge, the Fraternity, and District 13.  Brother Mata spoke very highly of Brother Asberry and informed the Brethren that he [Asberry] should be an example for all to emulate.

Asberry (L) being presented with his Deputy District Chairman
Nameplate from the Grand Lodge of Tennessee by Brother Mata (R)
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Past Master's Breakfast to be Held

Jerry Dale Asberry, Worshipful Master of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 F. &A.M. has announced that Jamestown Lodge will host an inaugural Past Master's Breakfast on Saturday, November 22, 2014.
This day will be to celebrate all Past Masters and the service they have given to the fraternity.  The event will be the first of its kind at Jamestown Lodge No. 281.

ALL Past Master's (of any lodge) and their families are invited to attend this event of friendship and brotherly love.  Past Master's, their families, and all Brethren are entitled to eat for FREE!!! 

We will be having eggs, biscuit and gravy, sausage, pancakes, and the like.  So make plans to come and visit us on November 22, 2014. 

We will be eating from 8:00am - 1100am.

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News Archives

Saturday, October 4, 2014

In Memoriam


Brother Jerry Dale Asberry, Worshipful Master of Jamestown Lodge No. 281, F. & A. M., deeply regrets to inform the brethren that Brothers Reece Richard Taubert and Ralph Davis Taylor went to the celestial lodge above on September 20 and 22, 2014 respectively. 

Brother Taubert was initiated on December 10, 1951, Passed on January 21, 1952, and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on March 22, 1952. 

Brother Taylor was initiated on June 9, 1948, Passed on January 8, 1949, and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on February 19, 1949.

The Worshipful Master along with the Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 express their condolences to their family and friends.

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Saturday, September 13, 2014

3rd Degree Certificate of Proficiency Awarded

On September 13, 2014 during the monthly stated meeting, Brother Rodney James Koger was found to be proficient in the Third Degree Lecture by the Brethren assembled at Jamestown Lodge No. 281.  Brother Koger gave a VERY precise lecture and was awarded a Certificate of Proficiency of the 3rd Degree from the Grand Lodge of Tennessee.  He should be an inspiration to all Masons. 

The Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 CONGRATULATE Brother Koger on this accomplishment.

Brother Koger (L) and Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry(R)
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Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sponsorship Award Presented

During the August 2014 stated meeting Jamestown Lodge No. 281 was presented with a plaque of appreciation for supporting a Little League/Cal Ripken baseball team. The team, which the lodge sponsored, finished in 1st Place in the 11-12 year old age group. 

The Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry, Wardens, and Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 want to send out their congratulations to the team on this outstanding accomplishment!!

Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry (L) and Brother Ruben Hilligoss (R)
as Brother Hilligoss(Coach) presents the plaque of appreciation.
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Saturday, August 2, 2014

TNCHIP Program Scam

TNCHIP Program

Information has been received that a Telemarketing SCAM is operating in Tennessee claiming they are collecting money for the program.

If you receive a call please save & log all information you can and forward it to the Grand Lodge. 

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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Official Visit

On July 22, 2014 Jamestown Lodge No. 281 F. & A.M. of Tennessee had its Official Visit. The Brethren, to include visiting Brethren from Byrdstown Lodge No. 496, Little Crab Lodge No. 614, and Clarkrange Lodge No. 605 enjoyed a great meal before the event.  District 13 Grand Lecturer (and Past Master) Tommy Clark presided over the visit and provided the Brethren with good and wholesome instruction as well as completing the duties as Grand Lecturer during an official visit.

There were several Brethren who were up for Lecturer Card renewals as well as a few for Proficiency Card renewals.  All of those Brethren were found proficient in their respective duties.  One Brother in particular showed that you are never too old to keep sharp on Masonic Ritual; Brother James Virgil (JV) Peavyhouse, a 50 year member, lead the Masonic Ritual during some of the event and was an inspiration to all Brethren present.

The night also held a special meaning for one Brother.  Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry had been working toward the Pin of Excellence this past year with Brother Robert Lancaster.  Brother Robert found Brother Asberry to be most proficient in the ritual work and was going to present Brother Asberry with his Pin of Excellence during the Official Visit.  As many Brethren know, Brother Robert passed away only a week before the Official Visit.  During Brother Robert's illness he had informed Brother Tommy Clark that he [Robert] wanted Brother Tommy to assume the duties as District 13 Grand Lecturer due to his condition.  Brother Robert also had informed Tommy that Brother Asberry had been found most deserving of the Pin of Excellence and to present the pin to Brother Asberry.   Brother Tommy carried out Robert's wishes and presented Brother Asberry with a Pin of Excellence for Brother Robert. 

Brother G. Daniel Mata P.M. also presented Brother Asberry with a personal gift in recognition of his diligence, exemplary performance, and dedication to the craft.

Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry closed the Official Visit with an moment of silence in honor of Brother Robert Lancaster.

Brother Clark(L) presents Brother Peavyhouse(R)
with his renewed Proficiency Card

Brother Clark(L) and Brother Peavyhouse(R)
Brother Clark(L) presents the Pin of Excellence to
Brother Asberry(R)

Brother Clark(L) and Worshipful Master Asberry(R)
Gift from Brother Mata to Brother Asberry;
a custom edition of Masonic Ritual
Brother Jerry Dale Asberry(L) and Brother Daniel Mata(R)
Brother Asberry(L) and Grand Lecturer Clark(R)

Three Recipients of the Pin of Excellence;
Brother Asberry(L), Brother Clark(C), Brother Mata(R)
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

In Memoriam


Brother Jerry Dale Asberry, Worshipful Master of Jamestown Lodge No. 281, F. & A. M., deeply regrets to inform the brethren that Brother Alvin C. York went to the celestial lodge above on July 15, 2014. 

Brother York was initiated on November 20, 1965, Passed on March 17, 1975, and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on May 03, 1975. He was a 40 year member of the Fraternity.

The Worshipful Master along with the Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 express their condolences to his family and friends.

Brother Alvin C. York

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Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Better Side of 30

Brother Johnny Cooper Jr has set up an fund site to help him raise the very much needed funds to enable him to have a medical procedure performed which will in essence, save his life. 

His site can be found here;

If you find it within your heart and within the length of your cable tow, please help this man and Brother out.


Jerry Dale Asberry
Worshipful Master
Jamestown Lodge No. 281

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Educational Talk

During the July 2014 stated meeting Brother Ruben Hilligoss offered the below article for the benefit of the Brethren present.

How Does Masonic Behavior Influence Those Around Us?

By Worshipful Paul Miller, DEO for Masonic District 35-A

What is your vision of the role that Freemasonry plays in impacting the world around us?  What role do we have in being a positive influence in society?

We are taught in the Lodge to use the square and compasses to circumscribe our desires so we can keep our emotions within due bounds and to constantly apply the square of virtue to our actions.  But do we continue to apply those lessons when we leave the confines of the Temple?  Do the words “every human being has a claim upon your kind offices, do good unto all” hold real meaning for us whether we are in the Lodge or outside of it?

Let’s consider three groups of people as we examine how Masonic behavior may exert an influence all around us.  These groups are:  1) people that are not members of the Craft, 2) our Brethren in the Craft, and 3) ourselves.

The first group (those not members of the Craft) is the one that Freemasonry aims to indirectly influence through the impact of our Masonic behavior.  

Society today is filled with examples of slipping moral standards, an avoidance of a sense of responsibility for one’s actions, and a tendency to choose the option of self-interest and self-indulgence over an effort made to act for the general good of society.

Freemasonry, on the other hand, is often described as a fraternal organization which is based on the principle of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man and which, through its teachings and ceremonies, seeks to make good men better and thereby make the world a better place in which to live.

If we stand out, individually and collectively, as a Fraternity that promotes values associated with improving the condition of mankind and the general welfare of our fellow man, then our potential impact is far-reaching in its benefits.  It improves the individual, strengthens the community, and creates an environment of concern for our fellow man instead of for ourselves only.  It also creates a model of behavior to which the outside world can look up.  The remark is often made, when referring to an uninitiated man that is a role model in the community, that “he was a Mason in his heart and by his actions.”

Our goal should be to support a social environment which is filled with Masons, including those initiated as well as those uninitiated, and which promotes Masonic behavior anywhere and everywhere.

The second group, our Masonic Brethren, might be easily overlooked when considering those influenced by Masonic behavior.  After all, this group has been initiated, passed and raised and has been provided with their own awareness of Masonic behaviors.   But we gather in Lodge for a reason, and that is best summed up by the Senior Warden during the opening of the Entered Apprentice’s Lodge when he informs the Worshipful Master that he came there to learn to control his emotions and to become a better man and Mason.  Our journey up the winding stairs of making a good man better is sometimes travelled alone, but is often assisted by our Brethren.  Our ability to improve ourselves is made easier when we have models of strong Masonic behavior around us to use as guideposts on our journey.

The Masonic behavior that we exhibit in the Lodge assists in the understanding of Freemasonry by our Entered Apprentices and Fellowcrafts, as well as our newly raised Master Masons, as they try to understand how to apply the teachings of Freemasonry into their actions and lives.  It shines forth when we whisper good counsel into the ear of an erring Brother instead of embarrassing him in Lodge.  It helps us understand that there are many applications of the teachings of Freemasonry, and we see more of its facets when we observe the Masonic behavior of others and consider how we might also emulate that behavior.

The final group, which is ourselves, is most surely influenced by Masonic behavior since we feel the positive benefits of living up to our Masonic obligations and duties, and have the satisfaction of being at harmony with our conscience and making progress towards becoming that perfect ashlar that is the cornerstone of the lesson to make a good man better.

We received the guidelines for Masonic behavior from our ancient operative Brethren through the Book of Constitutions.  We are tasked with keeping them alive by practicing those rules of behavior both inside and outside of the Lodge room.  Our goal should be to  exhibit an exemplary pattern of behavior that is emulated by the non-member, practiced by our Brethren, and ingrained in our own consciousness, and which contributes to the improvement of the human condition and the betterment of society.
The article and the lessons taught therein were well received by the Brethren.
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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Brother Raised to Master Mason

On July 8, 2014 Brethren from Jamestown Lodge No. 281 and Brother's from several lodges gathered together to raise to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason Brother Rodney James Koger.  Brother Koger has been an inspiration to many and continues to be an excellent Brother and student of Masonic Education.  The Brethren congratulate Brother Koger on his accomplishments.

Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry(L) presenting Brother Rodney James Koger(R)
with a Certificate from the Grand Lodge of Tennessee

Brother Dale Hicks; Senior Warden(L) presents Brother Koger (R)
with a personal set of the Great Lights

Brother Daniel Mata P.M., Secretary(L) presents Brother Koger(R)
with an Apron and framed Masonic print.
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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lodge Work Party a Success !

On May 24, 2014 several Brother's of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 descended upon OUR lodge for some much needed maintenance.  Below find pictures of some of the items fixed, repaired, or replaced. 

The following Brethren (or others) were present for the work detail;

Jerry Dale Asberry, Worshipful Master
Kenneth Dale Hicks, Senior Warden
William Lee Morrow, Senior Deacon
Johnny Wayne South Jr,  Senior Steward
Ruben Gerald Hilligoss, Junior Steward
Jerry Lynn Mifflin, P.M.
Gordon Shirley
Noah Hilligoss, son of Ruben
Dalton Mifflin, son of Jerry

Ruben and Noah mixing things up

Jerry, Ruben, Dalton, and Noah spreading the cement

Secretary's office floor before

Secretary's office floor before (damage)

Secretary's office floor during

Brother's Hicks and Morrow getting busy

Catwalk getting its legs under it

Another view of the catwalk legs

Brother Shirley welded the catwalk legs in place

Secretary's floor during. Tile laid.

Secretary's floor during. Tile grouted.

Secretary's floor during. Tile grouted. (another view)

Secretary's floor after, to include painting of walls

Another view of Secretary's office after

Another view of Secretary's office, after
A special thanks to Brother Jerry Mifflin, he went above and beyond what was asked of him in repairing the floor in the Secretary's office.  THANK YOU Brother Mifflin !!
Submitted by; Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry
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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Masonic Education Award

During the May 2014 stated meeting, Brother David I. Oppenheim P.M. was presented with a Masonic Education Talk Award from the Grand Lodge of Tennessee.  Brother Oppenheim had given a talk on "Sacred Volumes of Various Cultures" which was well received by the Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281. 

Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry encouraged others to research the history of Masonry, not only for their own education, but as a means of refined and social entertainment. 

Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry(L) Presents Brother David Oppenheim(R)
with the Masonic Education Talk Award.
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Friday, May 9, 2014

Masonic Awards Presented

On May 8, 2014 two Masonic awards were presented to members of the York Agricultural Institute's JROTC program.  These awards were presented to the two deserving Cadets by Brother Ruben G. Hilligoss 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Mason and current Junior Steward of Jamestown Lodge No. 281.

Brother Hilligoss(L) and Trent Allen(R)
Cadet Allen received the National Sojourners Award.

Brother Hilligoss(R) and Allie Cooper(L)
Cadet Cooper received the Scottish Rite Award.
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In Memoriam


Brother Jerry Dale Asberry, Worshipful Master of Jamestown Lodge No. 281, F. & A. M., deeply regrets to inform the brethren that Brother Cordes Sceebren Taubert went to the celestial lodge above on May 5th, 2014. 

Brother Taubert was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason at Jamestown Lodge No. 281. He served as Worshipful Master in 1961. He was a 50 year member of the Fraternity, the York Rite, and Order of the Eastern Star.

Masonic Funeral rites were provided by Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry and Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281; with Brother G. Daniel Mata providing the services.

Cordes Sceebren Taubert P.M.
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