Sunday, March 23, 2014

In Memoriam


Brother Jerry Dale Asberry, Worshipful Master of Jamestown Lodge No. 281, F. & A. M., deeply regrets to inform the brethren that Brother Eugene C. Taubert passed away Saturday March 22, 2014, and went to join his Almighty Father in the Grand Celestial Lodge above.

Brother Taubert, affiliated with the Order for the past 50 years, was a revered member of the Fraternity.

Brother Eugene C. Taubert
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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Uniform Degree Team Confers Master Mason Degree

The Uniform Degree Team, headed by Past Grand Master K.I. Wright, conferred a Master Mason Degree at Cookeville Lodge No. 266 on Saturday March 8th.  The degree team confers Master Mason degrees on brothers who are military, policemen, fire fighters, EMS workers etc. 

Brothers Jerry Dale Asberry-Worshipful Master of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 and G. Daniel Mata-Secretary of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 and District 13 Chairman participated in the conferral.

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Friday, March 7, 2014

Master Mason Graduates Basic Training

This past week a Master Mason of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 graduated Air Force Basic Training at Lackland Air Force Base.  Brother Robert Rains was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on December 17, 2013, he had decided to serve our country by wearing the uniform as many have done who have gone this way before him.  He will next report to Pensacola, Florida for more advanced training. Less that 1% of America's population have or ever will wear the uniform of their country. Jamestown Lodge No. 281 and the Fraternity are blessed to have men like Brother Robert Rains.

The Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 CONGRATULATE Brother Rains!

Brother Robert E. Rains
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