Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sponsorship Award Presented

During the August 2014 stated meeting Jamestown Lodge No. 281 was presented with a plaque of appreciation for supporting a Little League/Cal Ripken baseball team. The team, which the lodge sponsored, finished in 1st Place in the 11-12 year old age group. 

The Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry, Wardens, and Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 want to send out their congratulations to the team on this outstanding accomplishment!!

Worshipful Master Jerry Dale Asberry (L) and Brother Ruben Hilligoss (R)
as Brother Hilligoss(Coach) presents the plaque of appreciation.
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Saturday, August 2, 2014

TNCHIP Program Scam

TNCHIP Program

Information has been received that a Telemarketing SCAM is operating in Tennessee claiming they are collecting money for the program.

If you receive a call please save & log all information you can and forward it to the Grand Lodge. 

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