Thursday, December 31, 2015

2016 Installation of Officers

Worshipful Master Brother Jerry Thomas Asberry, of Jamestown Lodge No. 281, F. & A. M., is pleased to report that Past Most Worshipful Grand Master Brother Thomas Boduch, M.D. officiated the installation of elected and appointed officers for 2016 on Saturday, December 19, 2015. The program was well attended with 33 personnel in attendance (Mason and Non-Mason) with a great meal enjoyed prior to the installation. 

Front Row L-R; Dorvin Eugene Johnson P.M.-Tiler, Charles William Jones P.M.-Senior Warden, Jerry Thomas Asberry-Worshipful Master, Thomas Boduch-Past Grand Master, Franklin James “Jim” Bledsoe-Junior Warden, G. Daniel Mata P.M.-Treasurer. 

Back Row L-R; Jerry Dale Asberry P.M.-Secretary, Rodney James Koger-Senior Deacon, Kenneth Randall Poe-Senior Steward, Paul Freeman King-Junior Steward, Gordan Van Shirley P.M.-Junior Deacon. *Not pictured: Jimmie Eugene Franklin P.M.-Marshal

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Monday, December 7, 2015

Jamestown Lodge No. 281 Welcomes Newest Master Mason

On November 13, 2015 MWPGM K.I. Wright and the Service Degree team descended upon Jamestown Lodge to raise to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason Brother Kenneth Randall "Randy" Poe.

Brother Poe was raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on Veteran's Day.  Brother Poe is a former U.S. Marine.  The degree team consisted of other Master Mason's who were former or current military, police officers, EMT personnel etc.

Jamestown Lodge welcomes Brother Poe as a member of our lodge and fraternity and congratulate him on his journey.

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Thursday, August 13, 2015

In Memoriam

Brother Kenneth Dale Hicks, Worshipful Master of Jamestown Lodge No. 281, F. & A. M., deeply regrets to inform the brethren that Brother Eugene Fines Dalton, a 50 year member of the fraternity, went to the celestial lodge above on August 8th, 2015. 

Brother Dalton Initiated as an Entered Apprentice: July 14th, 1952; Passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft: August 18th, 1952; and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason: October 13, 1952. 

The Worshipful Master along with the Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 express their condolences to their family and friends.

Brother Eugene Fines Dalton.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Certificate of Proficiency Presented

On July 11, 2015 during the monthly stated meeting, Worshipful Master Kenneth Dale Hicks presented Brother’s Jerry Dale Asberry and Keith Edward Harrison with their renewed Certificate of Proficiency in Tennessee Masonic Ritual.   Each Brother showed profound proficiency throughout the year and during the renewal process. 

The members of Jamestown Lodge No. 281
CONGRATULATE Brother’s Asberry and Harrison.

Pictured are Jerry Dale Asberry (L), Kenneth Dale Hicks (C), and Keith Harrison (R) 

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Saturday, July 11, 2015

50 Year Member Recognized

On June 13th, 2015 Worshipful Master Kenneth Dale Hicks presented Brother Lester Tipton with his 50 year pin and certificate.  Brother Tipton has been a faithful Brother of the fraternity for over a half of a century and Jamestown Lodge No. 281 is lucky and honored to have him as a member and Brother.

The members of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 CONGRATULATE Brother Tipton on this milestone.

Pictured are Kenneth Dale Hicks (L) and Lester Tipton (R) 

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

District #13 Meeting Well Attended

District #13 of Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee, led by District #13 Chairman G. Daniel Mata, held its annual meeting at Clarkrange High School on Saturday, May 23rd, 2015.   Most Worshipful Grand Master (MWGM) Phillip Dwight Hastings and his suite informed those present of current and future Grand Lodge programs.  The meeting was well attended with over 130 members and guests. Music was provided by Brother’s Eugene Johnson, Gordan Shirley, and friends.  Clarkrange Lodge No. 605 had all of their officers present for the meeting, congratulations to them!

Thanks go out to Clarkrange High School, Brother J.C. Vaughn (2015 Worshipful Junior Grand Deacon), Clarkrange Lodge No. 605 (host lodge), Clarkrange JROTC for presenting the colors, and Ms. Kelsey Linder for leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Without you, we could not have done it.

During the meeting, two Brothers were presented with their 50 year member pin and certificate by MWGM Hastings.

MWGM Hastings(R) presented Willie G. Williams(C) with a 50 year member pin and certificate.

MWGM Hastings (L) presented Lenord H. Smith(R) with a 50 year member pin and certificate.

 MWGM Hastings (L) presented Bro. Charles Jones (R) with a Masonic Education Talk Award

District #13 Chairman Daniel Mata(L) presents MWGM Hastings(R) with a gift

District #13 Chairman Daniel Mata and MWGM Hastings with District Deputy Chairmen

You saw these two smiling faces at the registration desk

MWGM Hastings presents District Chairman Mata with a Grand Master's Knife

Pickin' and a Grinnin' before the meeting

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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

New Symbol Standing Guard

Worshipful Master Dale Hicks recently commissioned the lodge to purchase and erect a flag pole to stand guard of the Masonic Hall.

The Master through due diligence acquired a beautiful flag pole and he and some of the Brethren congregated on two separate occasions to prepare the base and to erect the pole.

Those Brother's were; Kenneth Dale Hicks, Jerry Dale Asberry, G. Daniel Mata, Lonnie Keith Byrd Jr, and Gordan Shirley.

The Master is commended for his dedication to the craft and the example of Masonic and American Pride that is displayed in front of the Masonic Building.

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In Memoriam

Brother Kenneth Dale Hicks, Worshipful Master of Jamestown Lodge No. 281, F. & A. M., deeply regrets to inform the brethren that Brother Wayne Vance Cargile, a 50 year member of the fraternity, went to the celestial lodge above on May 19th, 2015. 

Brother Cargile was 
Initiated as an Entered Apprentice: July 11th, 1960; Passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft: August 20th, 1960; and Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason: November 21st, 1960.

He Worshipful Master of Jamestown Lodge in 2000.

The Worshipful Master along with the Brethren of Jamestown Lodge No. 281 express their condolences to their family and friends.

Brother Wayne Vance Cargile, P.M.

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Masonic Education Talk Held

Brother Dan Jones, 33°, Grand Cross, Scottish Rite Secretary, Nashville Valley, traveled to Jamestown to give a Masonic Education talk Tuesday, May 19th, 2015. A good meal was provided and the talk given by Brother Jones was remarkable and very informative for the craft and those present.

Jamestown Lodge No. 281 wishes to express our sincere thanks to Brother Jones for coming to our lodge and providing us with an abundant amount of Masonic knowledge and history.

Pictured above is Worshipful Master Dale Hicks (L) and Brother Dan Jones (R).

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Monday, April 20, 2015

Community Masonic Education Talk To Be Held

Brother Dan Jones, 33°, Grand Cross, Scottish Rite Secretary, Nashville Valley, will be at Jamestown Lodge No. 281 on Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 to give a Masonic Education talk. The evening will begin with a meal at 6 pm and the education talk to follow.


The instruction will be held in Jamestown Lodge No. 281 in an open forum. Everyone is invited, to include ladies and any non-mason.
Jamestown Lodge No. 281 is located at 214 N. Main St, Jamestown, TN 38556.
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Monday, January 19, 2015

Ask a Mason

Watch the video, at the link below, which could answer some of the questions you may have concerning Freemasonry.  Produced by the Grand Lodge of Maine.

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