During their
monthly Stated Meeting held on December 10th, the members of Jamestown Lodge
No. 281, F. & A. M., elected its officers for the year 2017. A formal
Installation of Officers, open to the public, took place the following week.
These these officers are the embodiment of the principles of Freemasonry and
represent the guiding light by which the future of Jamestown Lodge will
continue to propagate the virtues of morality and virtue. Congratulations
Brethren! May our Holy Father direct your steps.
Pictured from left
to right, Front Row: Secretary G. Daniel Mata, Senior Deacon Keith
Harrison, Chaplain Tommy Hayes, Worshipful Master Charlie Jones, Senior Warden
Jim Bledsoe, Senior Steward Gordan Shirley, Junior Warden Rodney Koger and
Junior Deacon Randy Poe. Back Row: Junior Steward Eugene Johnson.
Not Pictured:
Treasurer Dale Hicks, Tiler Paul Morgerson, and Marshall Jerry Thomas Asberry.
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